>Canciones >Blues


Geordie Greep


Tiempo desde su lanzamiento
1.7 meses
Fecha de estreno: 01/10/2024
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You're all grown up, you have your own stove And your own pair of oven gloves You have arrangements and assignations You keep up appearances and have a reputation You sit in the park and work on your sonnets You talk about yourself in the past tense You have opinions that can't be shaken And morals firm "Do you know what I mean? Do you know what I mean? Do you know what I mean? Do you know what I mean? Do you know what I mean? Do you know what I mean? Do you know what I mean? Do you know what I mean? Do you know what I mean? Do you know what I mean?" Is your favourite turn of phrase "You know what I mean, you know what I mean You know what I mean, you know what I mean" Is your second favourite turn of phrase You can speak English better than anyone And you can curse like no one ever has done And you have a bigger dick than any man who's ever lived And you can cum more than a hundred stallions In a room that smells of cigarettes and carrion Under sheets freezing cold with damp You voyage far and wide across plain and ocean Steppe and marsh and celestial bridges And knock down doors and climb in windows And listen in, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen Can you hear that? The signs of life not yet awake The stirring, the screwing up of eyes? A blanket that forms mountains The valley between knee and cheek The steep slide down to the feet The toe poking out, be careful, don't touch Have discipline, my boy, just watch Stay outside, stay outside in the cold Can you feel it? You can feel it, you can feel it, see? There's a universe in this room You scrounger of toilets and pillager of tombs You don't have to work because working is for schmucks You know God will light your way You are ready to admit to murder, to assault To robbery, to pederasty, to fraud You are ready to take the blame for every crime of all men But the jury is out to lunch You imagine the roaming camera that captures your melancholy You walk the streets that stink of disease You turn up your collar like James Dean You put your right hand under your jacket And pretend you have a gun You put your left hand under your jacket And pretend you're Napoleon You squeeze your spots 'til they bleed You turn your face so no one sees Do beggars still play accordions? You should pay one to follow you around and play your theme Soon, your nails will sing Soon, your earrings will ring Soon, your organs will grow little mouths And speak for themselves Soon, your body will stage a civil war Soon, your heart will burst out free And soon, it will look you in the face and ask "What have you done? Why have you led it astray?" Soon, your brain will migrate Soon, your balls self-castrate Your feet will scuttle off Your hands will fly away Soon, your eyes will glue themselves shut Soon, your legs refuse to hold you up So embarrassed to bear your name Your body will vanish out of shame The first step is acceptance Admit you have no idea what you are doing Admit you have no name and no ambition Admit that you sleepwalk through life Admit that you sleep only sleepless nights Admit your best dreams involve being carried That spirit that enters your room Those arms that envelop poor you, that carry you away In those arms, you escape You dissolve through clouds London shrinks as you leave it behind London turns to a model village And now you are one with yourself You are finally proud Admit you've tried to cry and can't Admit to yourself, no one else cares There's no jury present, there's no reporters There's no examination, it's only you Soon, you'll disappear, soon, you won't be here Soon, you'll have all the time in the world Soon, your lips will unwrap Soon, your lips will expand You'll pull them apart, up over your head Soon, you'll be inside out Soon, your veins will spring off Soon, they'll spread out for miles Soon, your veins will transport trains all over the world Soon, your veins will be a railroad Soon, your mind will extract itself And very soon, you'll disappear Soon, you'll disappear You'll be fine, just relax Soon, you'll disappear, that's the only fact

Características de Blues


La energía es una medida que va desde 0.0 hasta 1.0 y representa una medida perceptual de intensidad y actividad. En general, las pistas energéticas parecen rápidas, fuertes y ruidosas. Por ejemplo, el death metal tiene una alta energía, mientras que un preludio de Bach puntúa bajo. Las características perceptuales que contribuyen a este atributo incluyen el rango dinámico, la percepción de la intensidad, el timbre, la tasa de inicio y la entropía general.


Una medida de confianza de 0.0 a 1.0 que indica si la pista es acústica. Un valor de 1.0 representa una alta certeza de que la pista es acústica.


La 'bailabilidad' describe cuán adecuada es una canción para bailar, basándose en una combinación de elementos musicales que incluyen el tempo, la estabilidad del ritmo, la fuerza del ritmo y la regularidad en general. Un valor de 0.0 es la menos adecuada para bailar y 1.0 es la más adecuada.


Predice si una pista carece de elementos vocales. Así, los sonidos de 'Ooh' y 'aah' son considerados instrumentales. Pistas de rap o de palabras habladas son inequívocamente identificadas como 'vocales'. Si valor de instrumentalidad se acerca a 1.0, es más probable que la pista no contenga contenido vocal. Valores > 0.5 indican claramente pistas instrumentales, y la confiabilidad se incrementa a medida que el valor se acerca a 1.0.


Detecta la presencia de público en la grabación. Valores de 'directo' más elevados indican una probabilidad mayor de que la pista se haya interpretado en vivo. Un valor superior a 0.8 ofrece una alta probabilidad de que la pista sea en en directo.


La sonoridad general de una pista en decibelios (dB). Los valores de sonoridad se promedian en toda la pista y son útiles para comparar la sonoridad relativa de las pistas. La sonoridad es la cualidad de un sonido que constituye el correlato psicológico primario de la fuerza física (amplitud). Los valores generalmente oscilan entre -60 y 0 dB.


'Hablado' detecta la presencia de palabras habladas en una pista. cuanto la pista más se parezca al habla (por ejemplo, un programa de entrevistas o audiolibros), más cercano a 1.0 será el valor del atributo. Valores por encima de 0.66 describen pistas que probablemente estén compuestas completamente por palabras habladas. Valores entre 0.33 y 0.66 denotan que pueden contener tanto música como habla, incluyendo casos como la música rap. Valores por debajo de 0.33 probablemente representan música y otras pistas que no se asemejan al habla.


Una medida de 0.0 a 1.0 que describe la positividad musical transmitida por una pista. Las pistas con un alto valor suenan más positivas (por ejemplo, alegres, felices, eufóricas), mientras que las pistas con un valor bajo suenan más negativas (por ejemplo, tristes, deprimidas, enojadas).

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