>Canciones >Ill Street Blues

Ill Street Blues

Kool G Rap


Ill Street Blues
Tiempo desde su lanzamiento
12.7 años
Fecha de estreno: 03/07/2012
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Aw yeah, word up, word to mother. Here comes G. Rap with another one y'all. We going to swing it like this... I'm right in front of my front steps thinking of a plan Looking like Raggedy Ann, no dough in hand kicking a can Thinking of a plot to pull some bank in Because I'm dead and stinking Soles on my shoes winking, t-shirt is shrinking Soon I see some ties and my eyes open wide quick Who's that with you, chick? Bill Blass my sidekick What's up, black? Give his hand a smack Then up pulls a Cadillac, yo baby we'll be back Jumped right on inside, not too many people saw us Thinking about who gotta get robbed because the mob got a job for us The drove us down to the sober section Of town where the clowns don't be paying for protection The want us to send a message to Jimmy the bartender Lend a friend the money next you're ripping off his car fenders He's coming up short cause he snorts Coke, dope, nope, and hope he don't get caught He owes some Benjamin Franklins, every last bit of em But Jimmy's pockets are empty, so now we gotta get rid of him But Jimmy's wife is with him and they don't want to involve her Hopped out the back seat they gave me a revolver Blass, you distract him while I go and whack him Entered through the back side of the bar and then attacked him He's screaming for his life, reaching for his wife Shot him in the back of the head and shanked him with a knife And that goes for anybody that gotta pay they dues You lose, cause I gots the Ill Street Blues You lose, cause I gots the Ill Street Blues You lose, cause I gots the Ill Street Blues You lose, cause I gots the Ill Street Blues You lose, cause I gots the Ill Street Blues Suckers I clobber, because my town is full of cops and robbers You're not promised tomorrow in this Little Shop of Horrors So I got to get with the business of hit quick Moneygrip's pocket's looking thick so I stick Slick Hold it right here, hands in the air, I know you got the loot Or better yet, face down on the ground, empty your pockets troop Hit the deck I got the Tech right on your neck And I expect to make a buck to heck with a traveller's check But if a vic' tries to choke me I'll have to smoke him like I'm Smokey the Bear, so okie dokie Goodbye, or bon voyage, have a good journey Don't even try begging for your life, that don't concern me So to the next weasel that freezes Your begging and your pleases only getting your closer to meeting Jesus Yeah, I shake a schmuck just to make a buck Then I break a duck and if the duck gotta get bucked then I don't give a fuck Hyper as a sniper piping niggas like a plumber Cold vicking and sticking up the ones that run the numbers Or even a bigger score, the lady in the liquor store Go inside and kick in the door, pull her then I'm stickin her for Money or your life, honey hurry and choose But you lose, because I gots the Ill Street Blues You lose, cause I gots the Ill Street Blues You lose, cause I gots the Ill Street Blues You lose, cause I gots the Ill Street Blues You lose, cause I gots the Ill Street Blues Extra extra read all about it in the papers The boss tried to rape us, so we tossed him off the skyscraper Because he pulled some other people to try and hit us Get us, but none of them did us, he must be trying to kid us But that's dead, I'll thank God in the red, 'cross the bread borders So nobody can short us, he fled down to headquarters Ready to put some work in, we're not a lazy crew, we'll do a job or two But yo, the man can't even stick me with some Crazy Glue Ready to tore him even more because she saw him We took out all the lookouts in the front and kicked his door in What's up snake, why'd you violate? Because I'm a hossa (What's that?) Yo, that's a pig that don't fly straight Getting ready to jab him, I grabbed him by the necktie Homie tried to get fly, and swing I gave him a decked eye You know the evil that men do, hell is where the men go We snatched him by his hands and feet and threw him out the window Up, up, and away cause I don't play, clown Buck, buck, buck, take that with you on the way down I'm hoping you got springs and wings on your shoes But you lose, because I got the Ill Street Blues You lose, cause I gots the Ill Street Blues

Características de Ill Street Blues


La energía es una medida que va desde 0.0 hasta 1.0 y representa una medida perceptual de intensidad y actividad. En general, las pistas energéticas parecen rápidas, fuertes y ruidosas. Por ejemplo, el death metal tiene una alta energía, mientras que un preludio de Bach puntúa bajo. Las características perceptuales que contribuyen a este atributo incluyen el rango dinámico, la percepción de la intensidad, el timbre, la tasa de inicio y la entropía general.


Una medida de confianza de 0.0 a 1.0 que indica si la pista es acústica. Un valor de 1.0 representa una alta certeza de que la pista es acústica.


La 'bailabilidad' describe cuán adecuada es una canción para bailar, basándose en una combinación de elementos musicales que incluyen el tempo, la estabilidad del ritmo, la fuerza del ritmo y la regularidad en general. Un valor de 0.0 es la menos adecuada para bailar y 1.0 es la más adecuada.


Predice si una pista carece de elementos vocales. Así, los sonidos de 'Ooh' y 'aah' son considerados instrumentales. Pistas de rap o de palabras habladas son inequívocamente identificadas como 'vocales'. Si valor de instrumentalidad se acerca a 1.0, es más probable que la pista no contenga contenido vocal. Valores > 0.5 indican claramente pistas instrumentales, y la confiabilidad se incrementa a medida que el valor se acerca a 1.0.


Detecta la presencia de público en la grabación. Valores de 'directo' más elevados indican una probabilidad mayor de que la pista se haya interpretado en vivo. Un valor superior a 0.8 ofrece una alta probabilidad de que la pista sea en en directo.


La sonoridad general de una pista en decibelios (dB). Los valores de sonoridad se promedian en toda la pista y son útiles para comparar la sonoridad relativa de las pistas. La sonoridad es la cualidad de un sonido que constituye el correlato psicológico primario de la fuerza física (amplitud). Los valores generalmente oscilan entre -60 y 0 dB.


'Hablado' detecta la presencia de palabras habladas en una pista. cuanto la pista más se parezca al habla (por ejemplo, un programa de entrevistas o audiolibros), más cercano a 1.0 será el valor del atributo. Valores por encima de 0.66 describen pistas que probablemente estén compuestas completamente por palabras habladas. Valores entre 0.33 y 0.66 denotan que pueden contener tanto música como habla, incluyendo casos como la música rap. Valores por debajo de 0.33 probablemente representan música y otras pistas que no se asemejan al habla.


Una medida de 0.0 a 1.0 que describe la positividad musical transmitida por una pista. Las pistas con un alto valor suenan más positivas (por ejemplo, alegres, felices, eufóricas), mientras que las pistas con un valor bajo suenan más negativas (por ejemplo, tristes, deprimidas, enojadas).