>Canciones >The Monster (feat. Rihanna)

The Monster (feat. Rihanna)



The Monster (feat. Rihanna)
Tiempo desde su lanzamiento
11.3 años
Fecha de estreno: 05/11/2013
Do# menor

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I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed Get along with the voices inside of my head You're trying to save me, stop holding your breath And you think I'm crazy, yeah, you think I'm crazy I wanted the fame, but not the cover of Newsweek Oh well, guess beggars can't be choosey Wanted to receive attention for my music Wanted to be left alone in public, excuse me Been wanting my cake and eat it too, and wanting it both ways Fame made me a balloon 'cause my ego inflated When I blew, see, but it was confusing 'Cause all I wanted to do is be the Bruce Lee of loose leaf Abused ink, used it as a tool when I blew steam Ooh, hit the lottery, ooh-wee But with what I gave up to get was bittersweet It was like winning a used mink Ironic 'cause I think I'm getting so huge I need a shrink I'm beginning to lose sleep, one sheep, two sheep Going cuckoo and kooky as Kool Keith But I'm actually weirder than you think, 'cause I'm I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed Get along with the voices inside of my head You're trying to save me, stop holding your breath And you think I'm crazy, yeah, you think I'm crazy Well, that's nothing Well, that's nothing Now I ain't much of a poet But I know somebody once told me to seize the moment And don't squander it 'Cause you never know when it all could be over tomorrow So I keep conjuring Sometimes I wonder where these thoughts spawn from (Yeah, ponderin' will do you wonders) (No wonder you're losing your mind, the way it wanders) Yodel-ay-hee-hoo! I think it went wanderin' off down yonder And stumbled onto Jeff VanVonderen 'Cause I need an interventionist to intervene between me and this monster And save me from myself and all this conflict 'Cause the very thing that I love is killing me and I can't conquer it My OCD is conking me in the head Keep knocking, nobody's home, I'm sleepwalking I'm just relaying what the voice of my head saying Don't shoot the messenger, I'm just friends with the I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed Get along with the voices inside of my head You're trying to save me, stop holding your breath And you think I'm crazy, yeah, you think I'm crazy Well, that's nothing Well, that's nothing Call me crazy, but I had this vision One day that I'll walk amongst you a regular civilian But until then drums get killed and I'm coming straight at MCs Blood gets spilled and I take it back to the days that I get on a Dre track Give every kid who got played that pumped up feelin' And shit to say back to the kids who played 'em I ain't here to save the fucking children But if one kid out of a hundred million Who are going through a struggle, feels and relates, that's great! It's payback, Russell Wilson falling way back in the draft Turn nothing into something, still can make that Straw in the gold, chump, I will spin Rumpelstiltskin in a hay stack Maybe I need a straightjacket Face facts, I am nuts for real, but I'm okay with that It's nothing, I'm still friends with the I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed Get along with the voices inside of my head You're trying to save me, stop holding your breath And you think I'm crazy, yeah, you think I'm crazy I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed (Get along with) get along with the voices inside of my head (You're tryin' to) you're trying to save me, stop holding your breath (And you think) and you think I'm crazy, yeah, you think I'm crazy Well, that's nothing Well, that's nothing

Características de The Monster (feat. Rihanna)


La energía es una medida que va desde 0.0 hasta 1.0 y representa una medida perceptual de intensidad y actividad. En general, las pistas energéticas parecen rápidas, fuertes y ruidosas. Por ejemplo, el death metal tiene una alta energía, mientras que un preludio de Bach puntúa bajo. Las características perceptuales que contribuyen a este atributo incluyen el rango dinámico, la percepción de la intensidad, el timbre, la tasa de inicio y la entropía general.


Una medida de confianza de 0.0 a 1.0 que indica si la pista es acústica. Un valor de 1.0 representa una alta certeza de que la pista es acústica.


La 'bailabilidad' describe cuán adecuada es una canción para bailar, basándose en una combinación de elementos musicales que incluyen el tempo, la estabilidad del ritmo, la fuerza del ritmo y la regularidad en general. Un valor de 0.0 es la menos adecuada para bailar y 1.0 es la más adecuada.


Predice si una pista carece de elementos vocales. Así, los sonidos de 'Ooh' y 'aah' son considerados instrumentales. Pistas de rap o de palabras habladas son inequívocamente identificadas como 'vocales'. Si valor de instrumentalidad se acerca a 1.0, es más probable que la pista no contenga contenido vocal. Valores > 0.5 indican claramente pistas instrumentales, y la confiabilidad se incrementa a medida que el valor se acerca a 1.0.


Detecta la presencia de público en la grabación. Valores de 'directo' más elevados indican una probabilidad mayor de que la pista se haya interpretado en vivo. Un valor superior a 0.8 ofrece una alta probabilidad de que la pista sea en en directo.


La sonoridad general de una pista en decibelios (dB). Los valores de sonoridad se promedian en toda la pista y son útiles para comparar la sonoridad relativa de las pistas. La sonoridad es la cualidad de un sonido que constituye el correlato psicológico primario de la fuerza física (amplitud). Los valores generalmente oscilan entre -60 y 0 dB.


'Hablado' detecta la presencia de palabras habladas en una pista. cuanto la pista más se parezca al habla (por ejemplo, un programa de entrevistas o audiolibros), más cercano a 1.0 será el valor del atributo. Valores por encima de 0.66 describen pistas que probablemente estén compuestas completamente por palabras habladas. Valores entre 0.33 y 0.66 denotan que pueden contener tanto música como habla, incluyendo casos como la música rap. Valores por debajo de 0.33 probablemente representan música y otras pistas que no se asemejan al habla.


Una medida de 0.0 a 1.0 que describe la positividad musical transmitida por una pista. Las pistas con un alto valor suenan más positivas (por ejemplo, alegres, felices, eufóricas), mientras que las pistas con un valor bajo suenan más negativas (por ejemplo, tristes, deprimidas, enojadas).